Easy Practices to Raise Your Vibration

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Everything, from people, plants and animals to places and inanimate objects, all have their own unique vibration. This means that you also have a vibration and vibrate at a certain frequency. Depending on the level of your vibration, whether high or low, the universe responds to you in that same vibration.

According to the Law of Attraction, you are constantly vibrating and interacting with the universe. The universe acts like a mirror and reflects your energy back to you by delivering situations, people, and things into your life that match your vibration.

For example, if you’re vibrating at a high level, feeling happy and enthusiastic for life, the universe will deliver situations to you which match that vibration. This means that you may find unexpected, happy surprises appear in your life to bring you more love and joy.

“With law of attraction, your thoughts are like a boomerang: whatever boomerang you throw is the exact same boomerang that comes back to you.”

Rhonda Byrne

On the other hand, if you view life through a negative lens, you will often attract more situations and people into your life which match that low energy.

This is why it’s important to be aware of your vibration. Not only does the state of your vibration affect your emotions, but it also affects your physically reality.

High or Low Vibration?

Having a high vibration can be equivalent to feeling joyful, enthusiastic and excited for life. If you wake up each day feeling happy and aligned with the universe, it can be an indication that you’re vibrating on a high level.

On the other hand, feelings of anger, dread and depression may be signs that your vibration is low. If you wake up feeling exhausted and unenthusiastic for the day ahead of you, this can be a sign of a low vibration and misalignment with the universe.

Thankfully, there are many simple and easy ways to boost your vibration and positively affect your life.


Meditation is one of the best practices to help raise your vibration. When you are able to quiet your mind and get in touch with your inner self, you become more aware of your energy and vibration.

 As you make meditation a habit in your life, you may find yourself feeling more sensitive to situations, things and people who bring down your vibration. These people, places or things which pull down your energy, can sometimes lower your vibration very slowly, making it difficult to notice while it’s happening.

Meditation connects us with our energy, helping us to become more aware of the things that lift us up or drag us down.

Meditation is also helpful in releasing stress and calming the mind. Oftentimes, negative thoughts can affect our vibration, dragging us down into a negative state. By meditating, you may find yourself able to release these negative thoughts and begin to bring more positivity into your life.

Meditation doesn’t need to take long. Just sit in a quiet place for a few minutes and focus on your breathing. This will help to release tension from your mind and body, positively affecting your energetic field. This can also help in cleansing out negative energy which might be lowering your vibration.

If you find it difficult to meditate sitting still, there are many different meditation practices which may work for you.


Yoga is a type of exercise which aids in both the physical and spiritual aspects of your being. This type of exercise is often referred to as a moving meditation because it allows you to center yourself, return to your breath and raise your vibration.

Yoga can help to remove and release any stagnant energy and lift your vibration. Practicing yoga can also encourage you to go deeper within your mind and soul, helping you to connect with the spiritual side of yourself.

Movement is a great way to increase your energy and to help you feel more positive. If you find yourself feeling depleted of energy, try yoga flows such as Vinyasa or Kundalini yoga, which aid in increasing energy and heightening your vibration.

Practice Mindfulness

Being mindful of yourself and your surroundings can help you to be more in tune with your energy and the energy around you. By being aware, you may find it easier to avoid situations, places, people or thoughts which lower your vibration, and engage in activities which lift up your energy instead. In a state of mindfulness, it’s also easier to release what is no longer serving you and help you find a sense of calm and peace.

Mindfulness can also encourage you to be more compassionate and loving, which are the emotions that raise your vibration the fastest.

Having a busy life can make it difficult to incorporate new habits and practices into our daily routine. Thankfully, mindfulness is an easy practice which can be done almost anywhere. If you don’t have the time or patience for meditation, try practicing mindfulness. It requires nothing more than bringing your awareness back to your breath, and being present in your daily activities. The more grounded and present you are, the more in tune you are with the energies around you.


Practicing gratitude is one of the best ways to create more positive energy in your life and can cause your vibration to skyrocket. Gratitude helps you to feel the emotions of joy and love, which are two of the most powerful emotions when it comes to helping raise your vibrations.

Society often bombards us with advertisements and encourages us to want more and more. Although there’s nothing wrong with wanting something, it can sometimes cause us to forget to be grateful for what we already have.

Practicing gratitude is another easy practice which can be done in only a matter of a few minutes. There are many different ways to practice gratitude. You can either mentally note something you are grateful for or write a list down on a piece of paper.

Finding a way to incorporate gratitude into your life can be a useful way to raise your vibration and to help you to be more content with your life.

It might be difficult to practice gratitude, especially if you’re used to focusing on what you don’t have, but when you stop and take a look around, you’ll find that you already have a lot to be grateful for.


Feeling love, whether for another person, for yourself, or for a blessing in your life is a great way to raise your vibration. You’ve most likely experienced a moment, even if just for an instant, when you’ve felt such an immense love that it feels as though your heart might burst.

This feeling of love instantly skyrockets our vibration, helping us to be more in tune with the universe.

Think Positive Thoughts

Your thoughts have a huge impact on your mental and energetic state. When you constantly focus on negative thoughts, your energy is affected, often causing you to feel depressed and depleted. This is why it’s so important to be aware of the state of our minds and to fill them with positive thoughts.

By telling yourself positive affirmations and thinking positive thoughts, you may notice yourself feeling lighter and more aligned with the universe, which is a sign of a high vibration.

Spend Time in Nature

Being out in nature greatly affects our vibration. The sun, wind and earth all play a positive part in lifting us up and replenishing our energy. We are all part of the earth we live in, but it’s easy to forget when we live in a bustling city or in a crowded area.

 Stepping out into nature can help remind us of the connection we have to the earth and help us to feel more grounded and aware of ourselves and the world around us.

The earth is a living being and naturally has high vibrations, so simply surrounding yourself with nature can help to gently raise your energy and positively impact your life.

If you find yourself in need of an energy boost, try taking a walk or going on a picnic at your local park.

Be Around People Who Lift You Up

We’ve all had that feeling when someone gives us a good or bad ‘vibe’. When you are around people with low vibrations, they unconsciously affect your energy and can drag down your vibration, causing you to feel heavy and depleted of energy.

That’s why it’s incredibly important to surround yourself with people that lift you up. When you are around loving, happy, supportive and optimistic people, their energy often raises yours and you begin to feel more connected and at ease.

Of course, it’s important to note that sometimes people who are too energetic can actually, unknowingly, drain your energy, so it’s important to be aware of your own energy and pay attention how your vibration is affected when you are around certain people.

Although it’s not always possible to stay away from negative people, you can protect yourself and your energy by focusing on the positive aspects of them. Visualizing protective energy around yourself like a dome of light, can also be helpful in protecting your energy from being dragged down by any low vibrational people.

Clear Out Your Chakras

Chakras are important energy centers which can either positively or negatively affect the state of our vibration. Like everything else, our chakras require our attention and care.

When they are running smoothly, you may find yourself experiencing a high, energetic vibration. On the other hand, if they are blocked, you may find yourself feeling unbalanced and depleted of energy.

To clear out your chakras, try activities such as meditation, yoga, sound healing and mindfulness in order to keep them working properly.

You can become more aware of your chakras and whether or not they are working properly by learning more about each one and connecting deeper with your energy.

Sound Healing

Because sound is both frequency and vibration, it directly affects our energetic and vibrational state. This is why some songs and sounds may cause you to feel good and positively lift you up, while others may cause you to feel negatively and with low energy.

Quick paced songs such as rock or rap music can sometimes cause feelings of agitation and tension, while more gentle songs, such as classical or slow songs can encourage feelings or calm and relaxation.

Since music can directly affect our energy, it is important to choose songs or sounds that raise your mood, energy and vibration.


Crystals are objects which vibrate at very high vibrations. They are not simply rocks, but are rather containers of energies and vibrations that can affect your own.

When you are in tune with your energy, you might feel your vibrations shift as soon as you come into contact with a crystal, indicating how powerful they are.

Each crystal has its own vibration which directly affects our own when we come in contact with it. For example, certain crystals can encourage joy and increase energy while others encourage relaxation and rest.

Using crystals to raise your vibration can be quite easy. Simply by holding a crystal or keeping it on you, in your pocket or in the form of jewelry, can directly affect your energy field.

This can be an easy way to positively use their energy to help raise your own vibration; however, it’s important to remember that some crystals absorb negative energy, so it’s important to cleanse them every now and again to keep them working at a positive level.

Just like people, crystals need care and respect, and in turn they will provide you with the same attention and love. These objects come from the earth, which is a living being, so it’s important to treat them with respect and acknowledge the positive role they play in your life.

Eat High Vibrational Foods

Like everything else, food also has certain types of frequencies. Some are higher while others are denser. We consume food on a daily basis so it’s important to be aware of what you’re eating for both your physical and vibrational health.

If you’re looking to raise your vibration, try eating lighter, higher vibrational foods. High vibrational foods are usually foods which are whole, plant-based and un-processed.  

High Vibrational Foods can Include:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Seeds
  • Fermented Foods
  • Teas
  • Grains

On the other hand, lower vibrational foods are foods which are lacking life force energy. All food begins with having life force, but this life force can be removed by certain processes. 

Low Vibrational Foods can Include:

  • Meat
  • Processed food
  • Foods with additives and preservatives
  • Foods that lack life-force energy
  • Alcohol

Find What Works for You

You are a unique being with unique needs and preferences. Something that works for another may not necessarily work for you. That’s why it’s important to be connected and tuned into your energy. When you are in tune with your own vibration, it’s easier to tend to that energy, knowing when it needs a boost in vibration.

Raising your vibration might take a little bit of time at first, especially if you’ve been stuck in a low vibration for a while. However, once you begin to experience the benefits of a high vibration, you’ll find yourself wanting to remain in that state, and you will be inspired to make more positive changes in your life in order to make that happen.

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About us

Amanda & Julie

We are a mother and daughter duo who love discovering and sharing all things spiritual and healing. We talk about our own experiences and discoveries in hopes of helping you to make your own.

Amanda & Julie

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