Having good mental health is essential to living a productive and happy life. It is important to nurture a healthy mindset, not just for yourself in the present moment, but also for your future self (who will most definitely thank you).
Unfortunately, despite the importance of maintaining good mental health, it can often be overlooked and brushed aside. Some people may say that they don’t have the time or the energy to put into maintaining a healthy mindset, but even just the intention of supporting good thoughts and beliefs can make all the difference in your day.
Take this post as a reminder to take some time to care for yourself mentally. Just as it’s important to eat good foods to keep your body working well, it is also important to feed your mind with healthy, positive thoughts.
Creating a lasting relationship with yourself will undoubtedly help to improve your mental and emotional well-being and bring more positivity into your everyday life.
Approach healing your mind like a fun and exciting adventure that you’re sure to benefit from, and if you’re not sure where to start, here’s a list of 4 positive daily habits that can help you cultivate a positive mindset.
Mindful Awareness
When you’re feeling overwhelmed by negative thoughts or emotions and find yourself falling into a whirlwind of negativity, take a moment to focus on your breath and try to bring yourself back to the present moment.
While this may seem like a simple practice, it is one that can benefit you positively in the long run. As you bring your awareness back to the present moment, your problems, struggles and anxieties take a backseat in your mind. Once you are able to rest and relax, you can then come back to any obstacles you may have and view them from a fresh perspective.
You can practice mindfulness through a variety of activities, from the classic sitting mediation, to mindful walking, breathing, eating or any other daily activities you can think of. The most important part about practicing mindfulness is that you are fully, 100% in the present moment.
This may not seem like much, but immersing yourself in the beauty of the present can do a whole lot of good when it comes to filling your life with all the joy and love that resides there.
Do Something that Makes You Happy
True happiness can be difficult to come by these days, especially when we’re not in a good mental space, but just because we find ourselves in a negative state doesn’t mean we can’t find our way out again. Do something that makes you happy, truly happy and just have fun.
This can be anything, from riding a bike, painting, drawing, jumping rope, it doesn’t matter, just do something that lights you up inside and helps to remind you that even when things get tough, there’s always joy to be found.
Once a day, try and engage in an activity just for the joy of it without worrying about any problems or issues. Whenever negativity arises, fight it with a smile!
Related Post: 4 Small Habits to Lead a Happier Life
Practice Positive Affirmations
Having a negative mentality can also be caused by negative mental programming, either from the things people have told us in the past or from the things we’ve told ourselves. The good news is, we always have the opportunity to change our minds and reprogram them in a positive way.
Whenever you have a negative thought or feel yourself falling down into a a spiral of negativity, repeat uplifting affirmations to encourage a more positive mindset.
You may not believe these affirmations at first, but the more you repeat them, the more accustomed to them you’ll become, and eventually, you’ll find yourself believing every word!
If you’re not sure where to start with positive affirmations, here’s a list of my favorite affirmations to help you get started.
- Life is getting better and better every day in every way.
- I release negativity and embrace positivity.
- I am grateful for all the wonderful things life has to offer.
- I choose to focus on all the good things in my life.
- I love, appreciate and believe in myself and my ability to overcome any obstacle.
Practice Gratitude
When we’re feeling down about life, practicing gratitude can definitely be a struggle, but that’s exactly when we need it most. Negativity can only be conquered by positivity and there’s nothing more positive than saying “thank you” for all the things that we already have.
When you’re feeling down, it can be difficult to look on the bright side of life, so jotting down a list of things you appreciate can help to remind you of all the blessings you already have.
Even if you don’t think that you have anything to be grateful for in the moment, just start with one thing. As you find one thing to say thank you for, you’ll find that more things begin to appear.
Writing a gratitude list is a great practice, but if that’s too much for you, simply try to find one thing to start off with. Eventually, you’ll find more and more things to appreciate in your life and be filled with a greater sense of gratitude.
Final Thoughts
In the end, these are only a few of the many mindfulness practices you can use to help you out when you need a positive mental boost. While it’s only natural to struggle with negative thoughts and emotions every now and again, there’s always a way to bring yourself out of a negative space and fill yourself up with positivity.
Nurturing your mental health is a priority that should not be overlooked. While mindfulness is different for everyone, it is ultimately about taking the time to consciously care for your mind by taking the appropriate steps to create lasting, positive beliefs.
So, next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by life, slow down and take the time to care for your mental wellness. After all, maintaining a healthy relationship with your mind is one of the most important steps to living a happy and fulfilling life!
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