mental health

  • woman in brown coat

    4 Daily Practices to Boost Mental Health

    Having good mental health is essential to living a productive and happy life. It is important to nurture a healthy mindset, not just for yourself in the present moment, but also for your future self (who will most definitely thank you).  Unfortunately, despite the importance of maintaining good mental health, it can often be overlooked and…

    Read more: 4 Daily Practices to Boost Mental Health
  • self-love, self confidence, woman-7200173.jpg

    5 Ways to Practice Self-love

    Self-love is an important aspect to our lives. Without it, it’s very difficult to feel confidence in ourselves and our abilities to follow our dreams. When we are able to fully love who we are, we show up the world feeling confidence, energized and motivated to achieve the things we put our minds to. Self-love…

    Read more: 5 Ways to Practice Self-love