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    4 Daily Practices to Boost Mental Health

    Having good mental health is essential to living a productive and happy life. It is important to nurture a healthy mindset, not just for yourself in the present moment, but also for your future self (who will most definitely thank you).  Unfortunately, despite the importance of maintaining good mental health, it can often be overlooked and…

    Read more: 4 Daily Practices to Boost Mental Health
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    Quick and Easy Meal Ideas

    Recently, I overheard a young woman ask her mother for meal ideas she could make now that she was going to be on her own. The mother said to her “the cheapest and easiest thing for you to make are sandwiches”, the girl asked her “what else?” and the mother replied, ”just sandwiches, don’t complicate…

    Read more: Quick and Easy Meal Ideas
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    12 Reasons to Drink Green Tea

    I love green tea. My family drinks it almost daily. We learned to drink it often while living in Japan. It was hard not to since it was found in so many varieties and forms everywhere we looked: restaurants, vending machines, mini-marts, grocery stores, festivals, celebrations and gatherings. During the summer we would find the…

    Read more: 12 Reasons to Drink Green Tea
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    25 Reasons to Drink Water

    Water is essential for the human body to work properly. It carries nutrients throughout the body, lubricates the joints, and helps the body get rid of toxins, among other functions. If we want to keep healthy, it’s very important that we make drinking water a priority on a daily basis. Health Benefits of Drinking Water…

    Read more: 25 Reasons to Drink Water
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    Easy Ways to Use Lavender for Stress Relief

    We all experience stress, some of us more than others. It’s just part of life. Stress can be caused by negative events such as the loss of a job or financial problems, or by positive ones such as a wedding or a promotion. While we can’t control the stressful events that come into our lives,…

    Read more: Easy Ways to Use Lavender for Stress Relief